Howdy Darth,
Football? Is that the sport where they use the ball with the pointy end? Sorry! Sort of a private joke, a self-deprecating jab we non-athletes made at ourselves. I could catch a pass, though. I cannot say much on your wanting to see a game per se, but as a Bethelite in the 60s and 70s, I surely was aware of having the clamps put on. Did you have the BAs and the SRs, too, when you were there? Naturally, if you were "Self-righteous", you were a good little boy and thought good thoughts and did good deeds. If you were a "Bad-attitude" dude, well....It was such an insular world that many of us were not really aware that life existed outside, so to speak. Plus the most important fact of all: we had NO TV! So while I am not a sports fan, I understand fully the desire and the NEED to have diversion and not be guilted for it. The sports areas in Bethel (which I never frequented) were set up while I was there to provide a release for the pent-up energy of raucous, young Bethelites. And, importantly, it was a controlled environment. Did we need control? Not us SRs!
I'm glad I used the DOUAY VERSION for my thread. Whoda thunk I would be so directed at 2:00 a.m.? Thanx for your post.
A former inmate,